Artists, Startups Look to Solve the NFT Buyer’s Dilemma: How to Show Off Digital Art


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Jul 15, 2023

Artists, Startups Look to Solve the NFT Buyer’s Dilemma: How to Show Off Digital Art

By March 23, 2021 12:11 pm ET Listen (5 min) The worlds of art and cryptocurrency have found common ground in artwork embedded with nonfungible tokens or NFTs. But critics of the nascent market


March 23, 2021 12:11 pm ET


(5 min)

The worlds of art and cryptocurrency have found common ground in artwork embedded with nonfungible tokens or NFTs. But critics of the nascent market question its longevity, as well as its rationale: Why, they ask, would you spend millions of dollars on art that you can’t show off in real life?

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